PFA-Role play


A group of participants is divided in two. One plays the role of people in distress while the other group must provide Psychological First Aid (PFA).

  • Module
  • Intervention
  • Submodules
  • Psychological & Social First Aid
  • Group size
  • Small group
  • Large group
  • Duration
  • 45 min
Course code: M2S6A1-EN
Category: Online Material
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives


PFA, crisis situation, role play


The objective of the activity is to gain practical experience on PFA.


Group of 10 to 20 


 Participants are divided in two un-even groups. One group (larger group) will act as people in distress (some of them are injured and scream, some just sit and say nothing). The other group plays the role of first responders and they are informed that a group of refugees has just arrived at the refugee camp. They need to prepare themselves to provide PFA-a and coordinate their help. The two groups are given the instructions separately.

Afterwards the participants give feedback in group plenary

  • What was difficult, what was not?
  • Did they respond according to PFA principles?




Role play.

Advice for Facilitators

It is important that a facilitator has some basic knowledge or skills in working with small groups. In general, the duration of role plays should be short (not longer than 10 minutes) and more time should be given to the feedback and discussion. Keep in mind that role playing can be an emotional experience so allow time for group members to come back in the group setting. Remember that it is an exercise and be sure to tell the participants that they are not expected to be perfect!

Source (APA)

World Health Organization, War Trauma Foundation and World Vision

International (2013). Psychological first aid: Facilitator’s manual for orienting field workers.

WHO: Geneva. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=3DE12CD95669427E275AC4C5B3DA3112?sequence=1





Aleksandra Stevanović (MEDRI)


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