Alexithymia test


The online alexithymia questionnaire was developed in 2005 and overcomes some general shortcomings of other questionnaires like Bermond-Vorst or TAS-20. Originally the questionnaire was done by Jason Thompson who intended to have a free alexithymia questionnaire available for the community.

  • Module
  • Awareness
  • Submodules
  • Emotions
  • Group size
  • Individual
  • Duration
  • 15 min
Course code: M1S6A2-EN
Category: Online Material
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives


 alexithymia, emotions, emotional blindness


It is created for people who want to check about their emotional sensations and need a fast and simple way to test it. The test  is completely free and anonymous for everyone.


Number is not limited. It is supposed to be taken individualy.


Free online and paper-and-pencil questionnaire to measure a person's alexithymia score.


Online test and paper-and-pencil version available.


  1. Free online questionnaire to measure a person's alexithymia score is with easy access through; . The participant has to answer the questions as spontaneous as possible. There are 37 questions which offer five answers to choose one of them. To get the results participan need to answer a minimum of 20 questions to get a significant result. The Online Alexithymia Questionnaire may be used online by individuals without permission.
  2. The paper-and-pencil version of the Online Alexithymia Questionnaire (OAQ-G2) (in English, Croatian, Slovenian…) is available here with permission from the author. Manual scoring for all questions:

Strongly Agree | Agree | Undecided | Disagree | Strongly Disagree

............(5)............... (4) ............ (3)............. (2)................ (1)

Excepting questions 3, 7, 8, 23, and 32 which are inversely scored:

Strongly Agree | Agree | Undecided | Disagree | Strongly Disagree

............(1)............... (2).............. (3)............ (4)................ (5)

Maximum possible score is 185. This test uses cutoff scoring: equal to or less than 94 = non-alexithymia, equal to or greater than 113 = alexithymia. Scores of 95 to 112 = possible alexithymia.

Advice for Facilitators

Forcing a respondent to give an answer to each question may cause frustration because it is quite possible that a particular question just doesn't apply, thus disrupting the flow of the process. For this reason, unanswered questions are defaulted as "undecided" and given a medium score of 3.

Source (APA)

Retrived from:



You may download the handout from here.


Marina Letica Crepulja (MEDRI).


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