Different ways of listening


The participants listen to a story from different perspectives: facts, emotions and deeper sense. They practice listening actively and attentively to a person who is speaking and thus developing their communicative and conflict resolution skills.

  • Module
  • Intervention
  • Submodules
  • Conflict management
  • Group size
  • Small group
  • Duration
  • 20 - 30 min
Course code: M2S2A2-EN
Category: Online Material
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives


active listening, facts, emotions, deeper sense


To practice active listening, to understand what is important for the communication partner.


4 - 10


The participants of this activity divide their roles. One person is going to tell a story from their life. It is good, when the story describes some facts and also some emotions. Then there is one group of listeners, who listen to the facts in the story. The second group of listeners listens to the emotions that appeared in the story. The third group of listeners listens to the deeper essence of the story – the motivation to say the story, the will, the core. Then the participants exchange roles. After some time of practicing, the participants might take up 2 roles at a time (e.g. listening to the facts and emotions at the same time). The aim is to practice listening to the facts, emotions and deeper sense at the same time. It helps to focus on these 3 aspects of a story in order to learn to understand what the people are really saying and what is really important to them.


Not needed.



Advice for Facilitators

The facilitator is advised to prepare a story of his/her own in case no participant comes up with a story. The story should include all 3 parts that are to be indicated (facts, emotions and deeper sense.

Source (APA)







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