Somatisches Inventar der emotionalen Überlastung



Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Trauma- und Stressklienten ist Burnout eng miteinander verbunden. Burnout wird normalerweise als Zustand definiert, wenn eine Person, die mit dem Klienten arbeitet, aufgrund der ausgeführten Aufgabe emotional und körperlich erschöpft ist.

Mit dieser Aktivität können Sie den Grad der emotionalen Überlastung von innen nach außen beurteilen.

  • Modul
  • Selbstversorgung
  • Kapitel
  • Grenzen
  • Gruppengröße
  • Einzelperson
  • Kleingruppe
  • Dauer
  • 20 - 30 min
Kursnummer: M3S2A1-DE
Fakultät: Online Material
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives


Emotional overload, self-care, burnout, bodywork


  • to recognize the signs of exhaustion

  • gain an insight into a possible burnout in volunteering

  • Identify internal emotional barriers to working with clients (refugees)

  • Strengthen resilience


Volunteers, helpers, non-working people working with various vulnerable groups.


  1. Look at the list of symptoms in the handouts. Check the symptoms that apply to you.
  2. When you're done with the symptoms from the list, sit down or lie down. When you tune in to your body, take a moment to slow down. Feel your breath.
  3. Visualize a situation from the list. You can call a client who is exhausted or a session where you felt unbound or impatient. What comes out of this?
  4. Now you're adjusting to your body. Can you feel your body? What exactly do you feel in your body?
  5. Perceive the source of arousal on the physical plane. Let go of the cause or reason. Just focus on the body. Where is the place of arousal in the body right now?
  6. Make a quick body drawing to see where this arousal is.










7. Now imagine what the arousal is and what your body needs right now. Write down three characteristics that your body needs to overcome the arousal:

  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________


8. Become calm and see how to apply these properties. You can visualize or move your body to bring it into the consciousness of the breath. See what's changing. Write UP A positive statement about the change you have noticed or make a drawing of your body now.


Paper, pen, crayons


Self-exploration, internalization, mindfulness, bodywork.

Tipps für Trainer

If the exercise is performed in a small group, it is advisable that the moderator prepares the steps to complete the exercise in advance. In the last part of the exercise, the participants present their own internal experiences and the tools used (e.g. sketches, etc.). Finally, the group can create a joint poster with positive messages, which the participants will form in the last part of the exercise on the basis of the previous discussion.

Quelle (APA)

MIschke-reid, Manuela. (2018). Toolbox of somatic psychotherapy. Eau Claire, WI: PESI, Inc.


Sonja Bercko Eisenreich, Institute Integra